速報APP / 教育 / SJC e-Attendance

SJC e-Attendance





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本


SJC e-Attendance(圖1)-速報App

St.Joseph's College - Tiruchirappalli

St.Joseph's College is an affiliated First Grade College of the Bharathidasan University. It was established in 1844.

SJC e-Attendance(圖2)-速報App

This app is to take student attendance in class by the faculty.

The App gives the complete details like faculty name, course title, day order and hour.

SJC e-Attendance(圖3)-速報App

The students register number list.

The app is having various menus for easy access.

SJC e-Attendance(圖4)-速報App

Login menu with user id and password bind with MAC address.

Class and subject selection for the period.

SJC e-Attendance(圖5)-速報App

Alternative arrangements - other allotted class are listed.

Substitution menu.

SJC e-Attendance(圖6)-速報App

Easy operation to take attendance of the student and to submit with time stamp.

and more.......

SJC e-Attendance(圖7)-速報App